Friday, April 17, 2015

Week in Review 17 April 2015

This week it was back to the books - no football camp or archery competition -- no kids club or co-op either. The kids did have piano and flute lessons.

Here is a view of what Miss K was working on this week. She wanted to take a photo and if you look closely you can see my arm. I really like Explode the Code. I used them for J and while it might be a bit of busy work sometimes you need that to keep the child busy. For Miss K it is helpful just to review sounds and blends and to reinforce her reading.

We have spent some time this week studying castles and did a few stained glass art activities. I love studying castles when we can remember some of the castles that we have visited.

I really need a good planning session to just figure out math for Miss K. I pulled out my Teaching Math to People with Down Syndrome book and was reading that a bit. One of the things it mentioned was recognising the dots on dice so I gave her the task of rolling a die and then putting that number of stickers on the paper.

I pulled out the story cubes and we had fun laughing and creating silly stories.

My accomplishment for the week was going to Costco. We walked in and Miss K said, "it is just like Seattle". It was mainly a wander and see what they have trip though I did buy a big container of pretzels which made the Pennsylvanian in my very happy. I think part of the accomplishment was driving home without using GPS/Sat Nav.

That is a review of our week.

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1 comment:

  1. You are such a great teacher! You know, I have found that Teaching Down's Syndrome Kids books are good for autistic kids as well.



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