Nothing very exciting happening on My side of the world. Sometimes it seems that since I have a blog I should have something exciting happening everyday but in daily life that just doesn't happen.
We have been wrapping up our school year. We are getting close to the end. I have portfolio almost finished. We had our evaluation last night. I have ordered all of the things for J for next year. Continue Saxon 3 and then on to 5/4, Shurley grammar, Explode the Code, Apologia Botany, and my last minute switch for history to Winter Promise. I thought I knew what I was doing and was getting ready to order and I just was not impressed with Core 2 so looked around a bit and decided on Winter Promise American Story. Now I am excited. I am ready for August. I am working through all the things that need to be done for homeschooling Miss K next year.
Our oven died. Dinner has been the crock-pot or grill. It was fine until I went to make hamburger buns yesterday and then realized I couldn't bake them. I guess we will just have to buy some.
We have had some work done on the house and now I am cleaning up and putting things back together.
I have been working on my to do list this week and am getting things done. Nothing very exciting but a number of things crossed off.
That is about happening in my side of the world.