UnLock Math is an online math program for Pre-Algebra, Algebra and Algebra 2 (coming soon). It has everything that you need in the program. No need for a textbook or teacher manual, no tests to keep track of, everything is there. There is both a parent and a student log-in. I find it helpful when programs have that so that I can look in and see things. There is also a pacing guide which I downloaded and printed. This just helped me to see what assignment should be done each day.
There was a dashboard. The dashboard shows the units have been launched, the average school, and progress. It is clear and easy to see where you are in the learning.

At the beginning of the lesson there is some warm-up. Then there is a video presentation on the topic for the day. It might be just a few minutes long but having a teacher explain it so that you are seeing as well as hearing just engages your learning more. It is like having a math teacher right there teaching. I think this is one of the features that makes UnLock Math unique. After the video, there are various problems to do. After some sections, there are quizzes and at the end of each unit there is a test.
For me as the teacher, it was easy. I printed the pacing guide, marked it with the days that he was to do each assignment and allowed J to do the work. I did not have to grade daily work, copy tests, keep track of the grades. UnLock Math did all of that for me. It made math easy for me.
J has been doing various things this year in preparation for Algebra next year. I asked him about his thoughts of UnLock Math. He said that he likes having a system, knowing the starting point and having a path so you do not get lost. There is both a path for each day and for the unit as a whole. Things unlock as you go through the paths. He also liked that there were quizzes so that he could see how he was doing. He has used various things this past year and so his comments give you insight into what has helped him.
Sometimes there are problems with websites. That is understandable but what is important is how the company handles that. We had a problem one day that J went to log in and it was as if he was login in for the first time. His work was not saved and he was back and Unit 1. I sent an email knowing that while it was almost noon our time, it was early in the morning. Within UnLock Math there is a chat option. I used to communicate our problem. I was impressed with the speed of the response and solving the problem. Everything was fixed and back to normal quickly.
I wish we had been using UnLock Math all year as I think this would have given J the practice, review, and confidence that he needs for Algebra.

Thanks for the review! Teaching Textbooks offers PreAlgebra for $154 with just the CD's, verses $300 per year for this program, which doesn't sound much different (maybe just more review, but TT inserts review in each lesson). It is always excellent to have more of these digital choices available so I am thrilled she wrote this program, but she won't have many takers at that price.