After spending the night traveling on the travel and then going to get some documents signed, late on a Friday afternoon we were given permission to go to the orphanage and meet J. At that time his name was not J. I remember a quiet, shy boy coming into a room filled with about 5 adults, plus our family. He didn't really know what to say.

I have to say he was cute and still is but you don't say that to a 10 year old boy.
It is hard to believe that it has been three years. It many ways it seems longer. I think in these past three years I have learned a few things -- actually more than a few but a few that I will share.
1. Adoption is hard work both before gathering all the documents and after as you adjust and bond.
2. Adoption is a wonderful thing.
3. We live in a fallen world. The effects of one person's sin can impact those around.
4. Things don't always go as you planned but according to God's plan.
5. God is sovereign. At times that is all I could rest in, knowing that he is still on the throne.
I am thankful that God has lead and guided us through the process and I continue to look to God for his wisdom and strength. I am excited to see what he will do in J's life in the coming years. God is working and preparing him for wonderful things. For the past few years he has talked about being a pilot then it changed to a missionary pilot. Today he said "well, if I am not a pilot, then I will be a pastor."

I am proud of him for his mature handling of adoption issues. In co-op they are studying health and he needed some pictures from birth, 1, 2, etc and birth stats. I asked him how he wanted to handle it and we got pictures that we had and I told the teacher. He was also willing to tell her himself.