(I am catching up a bit. Actually, his birthday was last month.)
J turned 11.
1. It has been wonderful to hear some of his spiritual insights and thoughts this year.
2. He can come out with some funny one liner that keeps us laughing.
3. I have been enjoying reading what he is writing even though getting him to write it can be difficult at times.
4. He is continuing to play soccer and is all over the field.
5. He has been doing a great job at his memory work for Classical Conversations.
6. He is kind and loving to his sister.
7. This year he has begun to take an interest in cooking. I think his favorite thing to make is Fettuccine Alfredo.
8. He continues to enjoy chess and had a tournament in December.
9. He has been enjoying reading the Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe and was excited when I found The Boy and His Horse at the thrift store last week.
10. He has shown some talent for drawing or at least enjoys drawing.
11. He is a wonderful son and I am looking forward to seeing what God does in his life this year.
We were in Chicago for his birthday. I had debated about should I take his gifts. At the last minute I decided to take them. We gave them to him that morning.

He loves his pirate Playmobil and so he got a few things that he didn't have. I was impressed and a bit surprised that he decided to wait until we got home to open the boxes.
I am thinking maybe I should make him a birthday cake even if it is late. The other surprise that day was going to Legoland Discovery Center. He had picked u a brochure in the hotel and been looking at that. We told him we were going to take him some place for his birthday but didn't tell him where. Legoland is in a mall and so I don't think he was very excited when we got there and then he realized where we were and got excited.
Later that evening Daddy graduated and finished his D.Min. That was a great gift as well.