Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Praying for the Heart - A Servant's Heart

Praying for a Servant's Heart

A servant is one who serves others. Servants need to obey, be loyal to the master or calling, be listening, and be faithful.

There are numerous examples of Jesus serving others while here on earth. Washing the disciples’ feet was an act of service. This required him to humble himself and get dirty. On two occasions Jesus fed the multitudes. He was meeting the needs of those around him.

Having a servant’s heart could require sacrifice. Christ came to serve, and for him that service meant giving up his life as a sacrifice. (Matthew 20:28, Mark 10:45) He was obedient in that act of service. (Philippians 2:5-7). He did something for us that we could not do for ourselves. A servant meets the needs of others, which might not be the same as their own needs.

We need to serve with the right heart attitude. Martha was distracted from Jesus while she was busy serving. (Luke 10:40) We need to guard that our service doesn’t distract us from worship.

Having a servant’s heart requires that we put aside our own selfish desires. Servants cannot be selfish.

There is not much written about Epaphroditus, but from the little we see in Scripture we know that he was serving Paul by meeting some of Paul’s needs. It was not easy for him, as during this time he became ill and Paul describes it as “near to death.” (Philippians 2:25-30) He is an example of a believer who has a servant’s heart.

A servant’s heart is a heart that is aware of the needs of those around him and uses his gifts and talents to meet those needs. A servant’s heart is marked by compassion, giving, and loving. A servant’s heart knows that his reward is not necessarily here on earth. 

Do you look for opportunities to serve others? It might be small areas or it might be big areas. Are you willing to get dirty to serve others?

For others in this series:

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